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日日健康實驗室 Healthy go around png3

合作項目 -

Healthy go around





- 深入研究及提升職業司機的身心健康 - 

職業司機是社區的運輸紐帶,支撐著人和貨物的流動。他們一整天坐在駕駛席,難以建立有規律的飲食習慣。長期應付複雜多變的道路環境亦令他們壓力倍增,處於高壓緊張的精神狀態 —— 罹患心血管及心理疾病的風險有升無跌。我們將與職業司機為伴,從他們的工作及生活日常入手,構思切中要害的改善方法及策略。

Project Details: 

Jockey Club Make a Difference Social Lab brings a new lab “Healthy Go Round” to the Sham Shui Po and Tai Kok Tsui community in the summer of 2022. In the spirit of community engagement, co-creation and innovative experiments, breaking new ground by building human-centric primary healthcare through behavioural research and creative use of community resources.

Objectives of the “Healthy Go Round” Lab:

- Develop deep research on the physical and mental well-being of professional drivers -

Professional drivers bond our communities by transporting people and things. Sitting all day long in the driver’s seat, they can hardly follow a regular diet. Adapting to complex, ever-changing road conditions all the time also builds great mental stress and exposes them to higher risks of cardiovascular and mental illnesses. The Social Lab team will work closely with professional drivers to come up with enhancements and strategies that make their work and everyday lives easier.

日日健康實驗室 Healthy go around png2
日日健康實驗室 Healthy go around png
日日健康實驗室 Healthy go around png5
日日健康實驗室 Healthy go around png8
日日健康實驗室 Healthy go around png7
日日健康實驗室 Healthy go around png4
日日健康實驗室 Healthy go around png6

Project Timeline

Our role in the project

Role as a consultant of design thinking in an artistic way is to help the team to create solutions that are both effective and engaging, and that truly address the needs of taxi drivers in a holistic way. As Long as facilitate a human-centered design process that fosters creativity, empathy, and innovation.


Co-founded in 2020, based in Hong Kong
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